Nov 26, 2018
News of North Carolina's largest chickenpox outbreak since the vaccine was available 23 years ago was reported in an Asheville school, which has grabbed a lot of attention recently.
Closer to home, a chickenpox outbreak has been reported in a Polk County, Fl school where a half dozen children were infected.
The common...
Nov 26, 2018
The Food and Drug Administration and the Texas Department of Health recently issued health alerts after four infants were hospitalized with botulism after using pacifiers containing honey.
While essentially rare worldwide, ninety percent of the world's cases of infant botulism are diagnosed in the United States,...
Nov 22, 2018
On this Thanksgiving holiday weekend, I put together a show on two of the most important and interesting topics in medical history--the 1918 influenza pandemic and the yellow fever outbreak in the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries.
These are older; however, very informative interviews.
To discuss the 1918...
Nov 17, 2018
The Outbreak News This Week Radio Show is prerecorded every Thursday and airs Sundays at 1 pm ET in the Tampa Bay area and worldwide streaming.
I don't typically put out the podcast of the show until after the show airs; however, I wanted for people to hear this particular show ahead of time.
I was honored to have an...
Nov 16, 2018
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has been the most outspoken advocate for a single payer health care system in the US, or a "Medicare for all" system. In fact, he is frequently citing the Canadian system as one to emulate.
Straight from his website we learn that Sander's universal single-payer health care means...