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Outbreak News Interviews

Jan 29, 2020

Recently, scientists have detected Marburg virus in fruit bats in Sierra Leone, marking the first time the deadly virus has been found in West Africa.

The article was published in the journal, Nature Communications last week.

Joining me today to discuss Marburg virus and the discovery in Sierra Leone is Tracey...

Jan 24, 2020

In 2019, we saw one of the worst years on record for dengue worldwide. Numbers were up in Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Joining me today from London to look at the past year in dengue, the progress with vaccines and 2020 and beyond is Kamran Rafiq. Kamran is the Co-Founder and Communications Director of...

Jan 16, 2020

One Health is a term used frequently in recent years. If you're not familiar with the term, you’ve come to the right place.

Joining me to discuss One Health and a recent resolution passed by the US Senate is Cheryl M. Stroud, DVM, PhD. Dr Stroud is the Executive Director of the One Health Commission.

Jan 11, 2020

Wuhan City, China has been a focus for infectious disease and public health experts over the past month due to a pneumonia outbreak where the etiology is not quite clear.

News keeps trickling in on this outbreak, but there is still a lot unknown.

Hoping to shed some light on this outbreak today is Daniel Lucey, MD, MPH....

Jan 9, 2020

Last fall, a 44-year-old man from Italy was bitten on his right hand by an aggressive dog on the Island of Zanzibar, Tanzania. 

The man did not receive any rabies vaccine before travelling. He got a rabies vaccine shortly after exposure, but no immunoglobulin, as it was not available.

He died from rabies after a 42 day...